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Mommy and Daddy Love Me Picture with Free Generic Template

The purpose of this craft is to display your love to your child, and show your child how much you value him or her. With each heart that your child glues on, give your child a hug or kiss, and tell your child that you love him or her. Caregivers and parents who are not called "Mommy and Daddy," feel free to change to the names that your child calls you!

There is a generic We Love You Template you can use!

What You Need:

Teaching Tip: Each time you walk past the picture, make it a habit to hug or kiss your child and let your child know how much you love him or her. This will be a continuous reminder to your child that he or she is loved by you.

Pin it Mommy and Daddy Love Me Picture

Teaching Tip: You could adapt this craft to promote a good sibling relationship. Take turns having each child place a heart their sibling's picture frame. After placing a heart, have that child tell the sibling something nice. Maybe it is "I love you." Maybe it is a compliment. Maybe if the child is too young to speak, he or she could blow a kiss.

This craft would be a good family to do together anytime of year, but if you were looking for a special occasion, Valentine's Day would be a good one. You could possibly make this into a family tradition by doing it each year, and see how much your child has grown from year to year.

Encouragement: Of all that you could teach your children, teaching that they are loved is the most important.

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